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Hallo Boarduser!


Ich suche ein Programm (am besten Freeware), dass den aktuellen Soundeingang am PC aufnimmt. Also nicht mit einem Mikro aufnehmen.


Danke für die Antworten!

Gruss Michael

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Kann ich mit dem Programm auch Internetradio aufzeichnen (Dafür brauche ich es nämlich). Das ist ja auch der aktuelle Soundeingang. Klappt das?

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Probier mal das hier:




Save multimedia data streams coming from the Internet or an LAN to your computer with Web Stream Recorder Pro. The program can record music, video and radio broadcasts. Having saved this data, you will be able to play them on your computer without reconnecting to the Internet. It can save Windows Media Audio and Video streams, files with the extensions ASF, WMA, WMV, WMX, NSC and WAX. It can also save Shoutcast streams, files with the MP3 extension. The program supports multiple simultaneous downloads, and it can work as a regular download manager. Shoutcast streams are cut into a set of files, each track into its own file with the name from the track header. And you can save video clips from the computer screen. This feature allows you to save streams that cannot ordinarily be saved. For example, video in MSN and Yahoo! Messengers and in Web chats.

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